Inbound integrations Overview

Uploading calls to Tethr with Call Uploader

New feature: content organization, collaboration and filtering

This article describes a new feature that may not be available to all users. If you don't see this feature and want to learn more, please contact your Tethr admin.
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This support article will walk through uploading calls into Tethr through Tethr’s call uploader. After working with your Tethr team member, they will deliver an invite to you via email as shown below. Click the temporary access link to get started:


Read through the provided terms and check the box to agree before continuing on:


This will then log you into the uploader and invite you to start uploading your calls (a Job). Click the button to begin a new job:



Provide the Job a name that relates to the nature of the calls you will be loading and click the Continue button:


Next, please upload a csv, xls or xlsx file containing the metadata around the calls you will be loading. You can drag and drop the file or browse for files here. This file should contain a call file name, id, date of call, agent name and more.


Once the csv, xls, or xlsx files have been uploaded, you will be prompted to map the metadata fields found in your file to the corresponding fields found inside Tethr. It will look something like this:


*Note that at a minimum, Audio file and Call start date/time are required before continuing.

**The more metadata you provide, the more granular the insights can get.

**You may have additional fields in your file that aren’t in the menu of options in the uploader. Upon a full implementation we would work to ensure those are in the platform and available for your use as well.

After mapping the metadata, Tethr will ask you to provide a sample call (.mp3 or .wav format, under 10mb) for us to properly orient each speaker’s channel. We support both mono and stereo audio. Start by uploading a sample call here before Continuing:



Listen to the audio by pressing the play button to verify who is the speaker, and choose the appropriate option:



Finally after validating speakers on each channel, you can upload the remainder of your calls. After Tethr has uploaded your calls, Complete the job by clicking the blue “I’m done uploading” button:



You will then receive a notification that the Job has been completed. Your Tethr representatives will reach out to you shortly to provide next steps. 
