Compare two or more time periods on your graph using the horizontal axis or group by menu.
In this article, you'll learn:
- How to compare periods on the horizontal axis
- How to compare periods using the Group by menu
- What happens to compare periods when I change my graph type?
From Search & browse, either select the Graphing tab next to the Filters tab, or begin a new search and select the option to Show graph next to the Save as a report button.
From My reports, either select the Graphing tab or open a saved report in My reports list.
Compare periods using the horizontal axis
Let's say you want to understand the volume of interactions that have High Churn Risk. You want to see the difference between periods of time to understand—do we have more or less customers potentially churning now as compared to the last two weeks?
In this case, choose Period within the Horizontal axis to view a comparison of the subset of interactions on your current graph where High Churn Risk is happening, compared to a previous period (including yesterday, last week, last month, last quarter or last year).
- Select the Stacked bar graph type.
Note: The Grouped bar, Area and Table graph types will also work for this example. - Choose Subset as a percentage of volume on your vertical (y) axis and then choose your categories.
- On the horizontal (x) axis choose Period.
Tip: Customize the graph's Date range in the Filters tab using the Date filter.a) Note that the time period will default to the prior period using the date range selected in the Filters panel.
b) For context, the graph's existing time period will display just under the Period selection in your horizontal (x) axis.
c) To change the duration of your period, select an option from the Duration menu including Prior period, Year(s), Quarter(s), Month(s), Week(s) or Day(s).
d) To compare more than two previous periods, enter a number into the Count field. - You can undo the last number of criteria you've applied (within your current browser session) by selecting Undo at the top of the graphing panel next to Close.
- Selecting Close will close the graphing panel, but will save any filter selections you've made.
- To save the changes you've made, select Save at the top of the page. If the edited report you're saving is not an original, select the More actions ( ••• ) button and choose to Save as.
Compare periods using the Group by menu
Let's say you want to understand the volume of interactions where the Standard Tethr Effort category for Channel switching to the website occurs.
You want to see any major change between two periods of time to understand—do we have more or fewer customers calling in stating they've already attempted this in a self-service channel?
In this case, choose Period within the Group by menu to view a comparison of your current graph interactions where Channel switching to the website is happening to a previous period.
- Select the Grouped Bar graph type.
Note: The Stacked bar, Area, Pie and Table graph types will also work for this example.
- Choose Subset as a percentage of volume on your vertical (y) axis and then choose your categories.
- On the horizontal (x) axis choose Date.
- On the Group by menu choose Period.
Tip: Customize the graph's Date range in the Filters tab using the Date filter.a) Note that the time period will default to the prior period using the date range selected in the Filters panel.
b) For context, the graph's existing time period will display just under the Period selection in your Group by menu.
c) To change the duration of your period, select an option from the Duration menu including Prior period, Year(s), Quarter(s), Month(s), Week(s) or Day(s).
d) To compare more than two previous periods, enter a number into the Count field. - You can undo the last number of criteria you've applied (within your current browser session) by selecting Undo at the top of the graphing panel next to Close.
- Selecting Close will close the graphing panel, but will save any filter selections you've made.
- To save the changes you've made, select Save at the top of the page. If the edited report you're saving is not an original, select the More actions ( ••• ) button and choose to Save as.
What happens to compare periods when I change my graph type?
- While Grouped bar graph type is the ideal graph type to use for comparing periods, Stacked bar graph type can also be used for a different visual representation of the periods.
- Area and Line graph types will mimic the shape of the binned periods being compared using lines and shading.
- Pie graph types will display the time periods being compared as portions of the whole circle.
- Table graphs will display the time periods being compared as rows, or bins, within the first column and the subset volume count of interactions that fall within each time period as rows within a second column.
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