While utilizing your main set of interaction filters in the Filters tab allows you to refine all of your search results, subset filters allow you to refine those results even further. Subset filters will limit your current results to a smaller percentage of results that match the subset filter you define in the Graphing tab.
From Search & browse, either select the Graphing tab next to the Filters tab or begin a new search and select the option to Show graph next to the Save as a report button.
From my reports either select the graphing tab or open a saved report in my reports list.
Subset filters versus filters
Subset filters in the Graphing tab work differently from your main filters, in the Filter tab, in a few important ways:
- You can only choose subset filters via the Subset as a percentage of volume option within the Vertical axis menu on the Graphing tab.
- You'll need to apply subset filters to create a subset of results.
- Choosing a subset filter will only apply that filter to a subset of your main set of interactions and filters (those previously applied to all your interactions in the Filters tab).
- Allow you to further refine your current results to a smaller percentage of the current volume of interactions. This smaller percentage of current volume must contain your subset filters.
Using the subset filter
Let's say, for example, you want to understand which interactions customers indicate as high effort through sentiment. To refine your list of thousands of interactions down to only those where events like Missed expectations appeared, Customer frustration appeared, or Confusion appeared by a specific Agent during a period of time:
- First, you'd filter your data by selecting your date range and the agent from the Filters panel.
- Next, on the Graphing panel, you'd choose Subset as a percentage of volume to display on your vertical axis.
- Finally, select each category you want included as a subset filter using "OR" logical operators between them (for example, Missed expectations OR Customer frustration OR Confusion).
Create a subset filter
- Under the vertical axis menu within the graphing panel, select the option: Subset as a percentage of volume.
- Within the Edit subset filters popup, define your subset filter criteria by choosing specific subset filters (for example, date, categories, agents, teams, call duration, etc.).
Similar to your main filters in the Filter panel, a summary of your chosen subset filters will display in:
a) the Edit subset filters popup (as shown above),
b) within the Graphing panel,
c) and above your graph (called out as "Subset as a % of volume").
Edit a subset filter
- Select the Edit subset filters button to choose new or different subset criteria from the complete list of filters.
- Once you've chosen your subset filter criteria, you can undo the last number of criteria you've applied (within your current browser session) by selecting Undo at the top of the graphing panel next to Close.
- Selecting Close will simply close the graphing panel, but will save any subset filter selections you've made.
What's next?