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Integrate Five9 with Tethr

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This article shows you how to use Five9® Contact Center Software to integrate with Tethr and import your call audio and metadata.

Feature benefits:

  • Automated call audio ingestion solution for Five9® Contact Center Software.

  • Enable Tethr to retrieve call recordings from Five9 via SFTP or FTPS.

  • Provides the call group metadata available for Tethr Teams, or call groups, calls and analytics.

What we'll cover:

  1. Create a Five9 account for Tethr that we'll use to retrieve a call report

  2. Create the call report Tethr will use to query for calls

  3. Configure the Five9 call export, if not previously configured

  4. Work with Tethr to enable and automate call recording retrieval

Before you begin:

Before you can integrate Five9 with Tethr to import your call audio and metadata, you'll need:

  • a Five9 account with Administrator privileges
  • to Log into Five9 and access instructions for installing and removing Java that you'll use to configure the call export.

  • an SFTP/FTPS server accessible from Tethr, or Tethr can provide SFTP hosting

Create a Five9 account for Tethr that we'll use to retrieve a call report

Setting up a user must be done by someone in your organization with the Administrator role in your Five9 account.

Getting started: While Five9 has detailed instructions for creating a new user (which you'll need to log in to Five9 to access), below you'll find Tethr's simplified recommendations for creating the new Five9 user account we'll need.
  1. Using a Five9 account with administrator privileges, select the Administrator option to download and run the Domain Admin tool via VCC Admin.

  2. Navigate to the Users folder.
  3. Right-click the Users folder and select Add user from the context menu.

  4. Under the General tab, complete and save the user profile info as follows:


    User profile fields for Tethr

    Select Avatar   N/A
    First Name   Enter Tethr as first name.
    Last Name   Enter APIUser as last name.
    Full Name   The full name will be auto-populated from your first and last name entries.
    Extension   N/A
    Phone Number   N/A
    Email Address   Enter
    Username   Use tethr, an @ symbol, and your company name, no spaces or punctuation, (e.g., tethr@mycompany). Please do not accept the default username, which utilizes the user profile's email address.
    Password   Enter a temporary, strong password. Your Tethr Integrations Specialist will change the password to a secure password for API use.
    Start Date   Accept the default.
    User Time Zone   Use (GMT+00:00) UTC, UTC
    Federation ID   Leave this field blank.
    Unified Communications ID   N/A
    Agent DID   N/A
    Locale   If locale selection is enabled, select US English.
    User Is Active   Leave this box checked.
    User Can Change Password   Leave this box checked.
    User Must Change Password on Next Login   Leave this box checked.
    Users Can Access Billing Tab   If this field appears, make sure the box is left unchecked.
  5. Next select the Roles tab to assign the reporting role to this new user's permissions. Select the Add button to add the Reporting role and select Ok.

  6. Remove the Agent role by choosing Agent and selecting the Remove button, then choose Yes to remove the role.

  7. Selecting the Reporting role you just added to display its permissions, leave only the "User Can Access the Recordings Column" and "User Can View Custom Reports" permissions checked.

  8. Next, you'll select the Add button to add the Administrator role to your new user and choose Ok.

  9. Select the "Limited Permissions" option and uncheck all of its permissions. Check the User can use Administrator Services option, then Save and you're done creating the Five9 account that Tethr will use to retrieve the call report you'll create next.


Create the call report in Five9 that Tethr will use to query for calls

      1. Log in to the account profile used to set up reports. Once logged into the Five9, you’ll be presented with a welcome screen.
      2. Select the Dashboard & Reports application.
      3. Under Reports, choose the Custom Reports tab.

        Tip: Initially, you should configure Five9 to create a custom report containing all call metadata.
      4. Then select the Create New Custom Report button.

      5. Select Call Log from the data source list for the type of data you want to report on. Then select Next.

      6. Choose the Tabular Report option for the Report Layout and select Next.

      7. You’ll be prompted to choose the columns you want to appear on the report.

        a) Timestamp must be selected in the Time section.
        b) Choose the Select all link to bulk select all options in the following sections: Calls, Call Statistics, Agent, and Contact.
        c) When all of your selections are made, select Next.

      8. Select Timestamp from the list of options for report ordering, and select Next.

      9. You’ll arrive on a lengthy Summary Fields page containing a large number of selectable summary options. Since Tethr cannot parse summaries, it’s important that everything on this page is deselected. Double check none of the options on this page are selected and click Next.

        Important:  Please be sure that all options on the Summary Fields page are deselected as Tethr can’t parse summaries.
      10. On the Ordering/Grouping page no selections or deselections are needed. You can simply choose Next to advance you to the final page.

      11. Once you’ve reached the final screen, make sure the date range interval you’ve selected covers calls that you know should exist in your custom report by choosing both a start and end date.

        a) Select the Run Report button to ensure that there are calls.

        Report_options_page_select_report_display_criteria_Five9s.png b) Then choose the Save.

        c) Give the report a name (e.g., YourCompanyName_TethrImport), description, and select the Shared Reports (YourCompanyName) folder to save it in.

        Important: the report folder should be shared because a different credential will be used by Tethr to do the report import.

Configure the Five9 call export

How it works

In this section you’ll set up the Five9 feature that allows you to upload your audio to an SFTP server—the location Tethr will access to download your audio files. Tethr then imports that audio by:

  • running the report created above,
  • constructing a file name from the report information, and
  • downloading the corresponding audio from the SFTP server.
Warning: For Tethr to access and download your audio files, the file name must be derivable from the data in the report.

  1. If you’ve already set up an automatic export, please provide Tethr with:

    a) an SFTP/FTPS credential and hostname for downloading the audio.
    b) the file name pattern currently in use so Tethr can construct target file names that correspond to rows in the report you’ve created.

    Tip: When the file name pattern in use contains elements that don’t correspond to information in the report, you’ll want to change it. Please consult with your Tethr Integrations Specialist for more details.
  2. If you haven’t set up an SFTP server export, the steps below will create a setup that is known to work with the report created above. You can either:

    a) provide the SFTP server yourself, or
    b) Tethr can provide credentials for a Tethr-hosted SFTP server.

Steps to set up basic SFTP audio upload

Getting started: Refer to these instructions for installing and removing Java. Note that you’ll need to log in to Five9 to access this documentation.

Setting up Five9 to upload audio files to an SFTP site for ingestion must be done by someone in your organization with the Administrator role in your Five9 account. The configuration is done in a Java application downloaded when this role selects VCC Admin from the main menu.

  1. Using a Five9 account with administrator privileges, select the Administrator option to download and run the Domain Admin tool via VCC Admin.


  2. Next, select Actions and Configure to bring up the VCC Configuration dialog. Select the Export tab.

  3. Select SFTP mode, and use the host name of your chosen SFTP site for the host name. Enter the username and password for the SFTP server account (Tethr will provide this if you’re using Tethr's server).

    Important: The time zone should be set to GMT, as shown in the image below. 
  4. Using the Add/Remove buttons, create the Recording file name pattern pictured below within the recordings dialog and select the Save button when done.

    Important: The Recording file name pattern above is suggested, and known, to work. Other patterns are possible as long as every field has an equivalent on the call log report created in the section: create the call report Tethr will use to query for calls. If you’d like to use a different pattern, please consult with your Tethr Integrations Specialist to reconfigure Tethr's call import to match.

Steps to set up advanced SFTP audio upload

Getting started: Refer to these instructions for installing and removing Java. Note that you’ll need to log in to Five9 to access this documentation.

Setting up Five9 to upload audio files to an SFTP site for ingestion must be done by someone in your organization with the Administrator role in your Five9 account. The configuration is done in a Java application downloaded when this role selects VCC Admin from the main menu.

  1. Using a Five9 account with administrator privileges, select the Administrator option to download and run the Domain Admin tool via VCC Admin.


  2. Next, select Actions and Configure to bring up the VCC Configuration dialog. Select the Export tab.

  3. Select the Advanced Recordings and add a destination.AdvancedRecordings_Add_Destination.png

  4. Input Username and Password . The Username and Password will be provided by Tethr. The Time Zone should be set to GMT. Press OK when done.EditDestination.png

  5. Select Add to add an Upload Rule.AdvancedRecordings_Add_UploadRule.png Add a filter by selecting the Add button in the Filter section.
  6.  In the filter pop-up, select Call.start_timestamp from the drop-down menu.  Next, under Criteria Value, select Constant and configure a date and time. NOTE: Your date and time settings should match the earliest call imported to Tethr. Press OK when done.EditCriteriaCallStartTime.png 
  7. Back at the Edit Upload Rule screen, select the Add button to add a destination.UploadRule_Add_Destination.png
  8. Select the destination that we set up in the previous step, set Delivery to Individual Recordings – Entire Calls, and configure the Recording File Name Pattern . Press OK and return all the way back to the Advanced Recordings tab and press the Save button before Exit.EditDestinationAndFilenamePattern.png

Work with Tethr to enable and automate call recording retrieval

In this section you’ll learn how to work with Tethr to enable an automated process that retrieves all calls completed within a timespan that you'll specify.

Getting started: You'll want to consider the following question before you enable and automate your call recording retrieval:

How often do you want to trigger the retrieval of calls?
Some frequency options for call retrieval include: once a day, every few hours, or every half-hour. Keep in mind that the smaller the timespan, the more quickly your calls will show up in Tethr.

Steps to enable and automate call recording retrieval

  1. Tethr will log in to Five9 and manually run the report you created in the section create the call report Tethr will use to query for calls to ensure the report is properly set up.

    Tip: If the report isn’t properly set up, your Tethr Integrations Specialist will contact you.
  2. Next, Tethr will log on to the SFTP server to inspect calls imported as part of the section configure the Five9 call export. During this step, Tethr looks at the file names, runs the Five9 report you created, and attempts to manually match entries in the report with the files on the SFTP server. What's important is that the call file names can be determined from information in the report.

    Important: If Tethr can't determine the full file name from the report fields, we'll first verify the SFTP server is available. If it is, then we may need to change the way the file names are created. In this case we'll need you to modify the Recording file name pattern referred to in configure the Five9 call export.
  3. Finally, we'll set up and test a batch call retrieval in Tethr to verify the Tethr application can access your calls and metadata.

Once we've verified that your calls and metadata are flowing from Five9 into Tethr, and automated the process, you'll work with a Tethr Customer Success Manager to begin generating insights about your customer interactions.