Folders Manage folders

Searching the folder

New feature: content organization, collaboration and filtering

This article describes a new feature that may not be available to all users. If you don't see this feature and want to learn more, please contact your Tethr admin.
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Search your folder list to find a specific dashboard or report.

Getting started: If you're not already in a folder, first click on the Insights tab at the top right of the application.

Search your folder list:

  1. Click on the Search this folder field and begin typing your search term. Your report list will automatically refresh with only the dashboards and reports which match your search term.
    Tip: To clear your search term, click the x in the Search this folder field. Your folder list will refresh with all content displayed again.
  2. Optional: You may filter your list of folder content to only show contents Owned by me or Shared with me by clicking the buttons to the left of the Search field. To reset the filter, click the All button.

    Likewise if you only want to see one content type, uncheck either the dashboards or reports type.

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