About Tethr Feature spotlight

New feature: content organization, collaboration and filtering

This article describes a new feature that may not be available to all users. If you don't see this feature and want to learn more, please contact your Tethr admin.
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What is Sentiment in Tethr?

Tethr Sentiment includes 2 overall models which analyze conversations at the word level, rating them as negative, neutral, or positive; As well as 50+ individual emotion models labeled as negative, ambiguous, or positive. All models are specifically designed for both customers and agents to accurately represent the emotional states of each participant. Available in interaction data and reporting, Tethr's new word models provide insights into the key factors affecting sentiment. By identifying top contributing reasons, behaviors, teams, and agents influencing sentiment, businesses can offer targeted coaching to mitigate undesirable and preventable interaction events. This proactive approach helps enhance the overall sentiment, leading to improved customer and agent experiences.

What's included?

  • Overall ratings for agent and customer
  • 56 participant emotions (28 for each participant)

Contact your Tethr account manager to learn more about getting started with Sentiment.

Where you will see it 

Note: Sentiment appears in search, reporting (filters, graphing, export), and on individual interactions.

Note: Overall Sentiment ratings appears above interaction details (right side of screen) and Sentiment Emotions appear on the utterance.

How to use it 

Customizable Sentiment dashboards are your home base for:

    • Identifying your positive and negative conversations
    • Monitoring and tracking your sentiment over time to measure improvement 
    • Track sentiment within different levels of your organization (i.e. line of business, team, service, product, offer)