Labels help you organize calls for future reference or used as a filter when building a
. Labels are manually added to individual calls by Tethr users. The label may be set up as either private (seen only by you) or public (seen by anyone in the organization).Labels make it easy to:
- Quickly find calls tagged by a private or public label.
- Mark calls for future review or training purposes (for example, best examples of issue resolution).
- Organize a set of calls with your
teammembers using public labels.
- Use as a filter in reports to analyze a specific group of calls, or exclude a specific group of calls from the data set.
Elements of labels:
- Labels tab: takes you to your labels.
- My labels: displays all the private labels you own. The numbers in the parentheses "(3)" reflect how many calls have that label assigned. Click a label name to display the label details on the right.
- Public labels: displays all the shared labels in your organization. The numbers in the parentheses "(3)" reflect how many calls have that label assigned. Click a label name to display the label details on the right.
- Add a new label: allows you to add a new private or public label.
- Label name: displays the name of the label being shown.
- Rename button: allows you to rename the label. This option is only available for your private labels.
- Delete label button: allows you to delete the label. This option is only available for your private labels.
- Label attribute: displays the applied label in a gray box. The pink boxes are
categoriesassigned to the call when it was created.
- Calls: displays summary information about the calls with this label. Click on a call row to view that call.
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