Customer interactions Interaction timeline

Searching the interaction transcript

New feature: content organization, collaboration and filtering

This article describes a new feature that may not be available to all users. If you don't see this feature and want to learn more, please contact your Tethr admin.
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Search for keywords or
that appear in an interaction's


Getting started: If you’re not already viewing an interaction first click on an interaction in Search & browse or from one of your Reports.

Search an interaction's transcript

  1. Enter your search term in the Search field.
  2. Keyword matches will appear on the interaction's timeline as yellow dots (see the example below where "listen" returned three results).

    a) Result arrows – use the arrows to view the next and previous match in the interaction's text transcript.

    b) Hide/show keywords – when the Keywords option is checked, they are shown on the timeline. Uncheck the option to hide the keywords.

    c) Keyword match – click the keyword to begin listening to a call interaction from that point.

    d) View keyword in transcript – hover over the keyword match to see this button, then click the button to automatically scroll down to this spot in the interaction's text transcript.

Tip: If you're searching for a specific phrase, put your phrase in quotations (for example, "sample phrase"). This way your search will find exact matches in the transcript. Without the quotations, the results returned may only contain one of the words.

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