Search your interaction results:
- Click on the Search bar in the header.Tip: If you are partway down the page, the header will automatically appear again when you begin scrolling up. You do not need to return to the top of the page.
- Enter your search term. The interaction results will automatically refresh with the interactions that include your search term. You’ll also notice that the search term is highlighted within the interaction summary.
Tip: Tethr ignores Stop Words (i.e. a, an, the, etc.) in search terms. For example, “the transfer” and “transfer” will yield the same results.
Tip: To clear your search term, manually remove the search term in the Search field. The interaction results will refresh with all interactions displayed again. - Optional: You may also apply additional search criteria by clicking on the Advanced link in the Search field. A drop-down will appear with advanced search features.
What are the Advanced Search features?
Search within: determines which part(s) of the interaction you want searched. The Transcript is the actual interaction dialogue while Notes and Comments are items added by Tethr users for later reference.
Said by: determines which speaker’s dialogue to search. Selecting Agent only will ignore search term matches said by the Customer. Likewise, Customer only will ignore search term matches said by the Agent.
Phrases: used for searching multiple words together (for example, “home mortgage”). The Phrase word distance allows you to specify how many words can separate the words (for example, “mortgage on my home” would be captured with a “2” word distance).
Keywords: used for specifying how terms are used.
The All field keywords must appear in the result.
The Any field keywords will return interaction that include any of the keywords entered.
The None field keywords will return interactions that do not include the specified keywords in any search results.
For example, “reverse” in the None field ensures that an interaction with “reverse mortgage” would not be returned in the search results.
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