The interaction results display the interactions associated to a particular search or report. Each interaction is presented with a summary of key attributes. Select the row to see the full
interaction details.
Getting started: The following features are available in both Search & browse and Reports. Either click on the Search & browse tab to begin a new search, or open a saved report in the Reports tab.
Elements of the call results entry:
- Teams: the name of the call group which is automatically assigned to an interaction when it’s created. Call groups provide initial context for an interaction (for example, by the call center,
agent group,location, product, etc.).
- Timestamp: the date and time the interaction.
- Duration: the total length of the interaction.
- Interaction type: indicates if the interaction was inbound or outbound. You can hover over the icon to see a text descriptor.
- Category (pink): a collection of auto-detected insights related to your business objectives.
- Label (grey): a manually applied tag on an interaction to group them for future review. Labels that have been added to the interactions are created by users and can be made private or public.
- Comments: allows users to “@mention” other Tethr users and attach public comments about specific portions of the interaction
transcript.The @mentioned user will be notified based on theirnotificationsettings.
- Composite call: if the interaction is made up of different parts, you may see the different parts displayed within the interaction.
For a call interaction, click on a call part's timestamp to play that specific part of the call.
For a case interaction, click either the call or chat icon within the interaction's timeline or transcript to navigate to the call or chat that is a part of the case. To return to the composite case, either use your browser's back button or select the linked case name under the interaction's details sidebar.
Note: Composite interactions might not be used by all users. Contact your Tethr admin if you are looking for a feature that is not available to you.
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