Filtering using Completed Evaluations
How do I use the evaluations filter?
Filters help you find interactions that meet specific criteria. Use the evaluations filter to narrow down your interactions list based on elements of a completed evaluation form like overall score, specific question answers, completion date, and more.
Important note: Any user who can fill out or view evaluation results will be able to use them as filter and graphing criteria.
Building a Report using Completed Evaluations
How do I report on evaluation results?
Tethr’s graphing options help you visualize the data within your filtered interactions. You can build reports that display elements of a completed evaluation like average score, answers to a question, agent performance, and more.
Tethr tip: Choose a graph type first, then use Evaluations as the measurement, as an axis, or group your results by evaluation criteria.
Example evaluation dashboard
- Value graph measuring the average overall score for an evaluation
- Stacked bar graph displaying score distribution with evaluation scores on the horizontal axis
- Grouped bar graph measuring the average overall score for an evaluation on the vertical axis and displaying which users filled out the evaluation on the horizontal axis
- Pie chart measuring volume grouped by specific question answers for an evaluation
- Table measuring the average overall score for an evaluation with agents in the rows
Tethr tip: Add your dashboard to a folder and use folder filters to quickly change the team, agent, or date range on all the reports in your evaluation dashboard.